501 (c)(3) Ogranization
Constitution and Articles of Incorporation
We in attendance at the 12th Annual Fire Department Instructors Conference at Iowa State University, April 21 to 24, 1964, do hereby associate ourselves as the Iowa Society of Fire Service Instructors and set forth the following constitution and articles of incorporation.
ARTICLE I - Objectives
Section I.
The first objective of this society shall be a chapter affiliation with the International Society of Fire Service Instructors as provided for in Article VII of the by-laws of said International Society. And we hereby agree to abide by the privileges and limitations of said Article VII as presently formulated or as it shall be duly amended in the future by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors.
Section II
A. To provide effective and continuous leadership and education and training of Fire Service or the protection of life and property against fire, and related man made or natural disasters.
B. To promote acceptance and understanding of education and training in this field.
C. To develop uniform professional standards at all levels within the Fire Service.
D. To hold national, regional, and local conferences for study of training problems, and publish papers, reports and discussions thereof.
E. To encourage research and special studies to develop training programs and procedures and analyze problems arising and their application.
F. To assist its members to improve themselves in their work wherever possible.
G. To cooperate with all other associations, societies, and governmental or educational officials in the carrying out of these objectives.
ARTICLE II - Members
Any individual, firm or corporations is eligible to become a member of this corporation subject to being first approved and accepted by a majority of the Board of Directors, and each member shall be classified as to the type of member by the Board of Directors as set out in the By-laws. Only active members of this corporation as set out in the By-laws shall have the right to vote and hold office in this Society.
ARTICLE III - Officers
The policies and membership of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors who shall consist of seven (7) directors who are members of the Corporation which shall include the President, Vice-president, Immediate Past President and four (4) other directors.
ARTICLE IV - Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Society shall be called by the President during the annual Fire Department Instructors Conference. The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
ARTICLE V - Amendments
This Constitution and Articles of Incorporation shall be amended in the following manner: A. Proposals for any amendment to the existing Constitution and Articles of Incorporation shall be made in writing, addressed to the President, which proposals shall be signed by any ten (10) active members or by any three (3) members of the Board of Directors. B. The President shall then send, or cause to have sent, by regular mail a ballot containing a copy of the proposed amendment to all active members within thirty (30) days after the proposed amendment is received by the President. Such ballots shall contain the proposed amendment and may also contain an explanation of the meaning and purpose of the amendment as viewed by the then Board of Directors, and shall further contain a notice that the ballots must be returned within thirty (30) days after the date upon which it was sent out. C. Such ballots as are returned to the President in the stipulated period of time shall be counted by the Board of Directors and if at least two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots returned favor the proposed amendment, the Constitution and Articles of Incorporation shall be amended accordingly, if and when duly approved by the current Board of Directors of the Parent Society. D. Notice of all adopted changes in the Constitution and Articles of Incorporation or the By-laws shall be sent to all active members of the Society within ninety (90) days.
ARTICLE VI – Purpose
The Iowa Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) is organized exclusively for the purpose of supporting and enhancing the Iowa Fire Service through training and development of class instructors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, ISFSI is organized exclusively for charitable, religious or scientific purposes.
ARTICLE VII – Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of ISFSI, the board of directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liability of ISFSI, dispose of all assets of ISFSI for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501c-3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
This Constitution and Articles of Incorporation amended by letter ballot and special meeting June 18, 1986
This Constitution and Articles of Incorporation amended by letter ballot September 4, 1997
This Constitution and Articles of Incorporation amended by annual meeting, November 21, 2009.