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December 2023 meeting of the ISFSI was called to order at 1948 by VP Al McCune
Roll call Randy, Al, Jerry Richard, Pat, Jared
Old Business, we have gotten some donations from 3 different businesses the booth at CITA fire school went well. Roger Carr will speak at the conference on Friday evening.
Doug is looking into the cost of a light supper for Friday.
New Business, Membership is going up.
Booth at winter fire school Doug will be there both days, Randy ,Pat ,and Jerry will all work the booth at different times.
We discussed having cupcakes for the Friday evening event for the 60 th anniversary. Pat made a motion to have cupcakes and second by Richard It was approved.
Treasurers report was given we have a total of $5557.75 breakdown as follows Blue-chip savings is 25.12 savings is 4896.94 checking is 384.25
Motion to approve by Richard second By Jared motion approved
Next meeting will be at fire school on Jan 27th At 6 pm anyone that cant attend will be able to by zoom.
Motion to adjourn by Randy Second by Pat meeting adjourned at 2015


IaSFSI board meeting minutes

Meeting called to order by Doug Kolkman Pres at 2012 hrs. on Sunday June 4th 2023

Members present  Doug Kolkman, Al McCune, Randy Elsbernd, Chris Smith, Richard Newton, Pat Fey, Jered Hansen, Jerry Wiser.

Motion to adopt agenda by Pat second by Chris.

Treasures report $6000.00 and some change didn’t have an exact figure.   No cost to set up account because of the 501C3

Old Business  we have none

New business

 Web site slowly getting updated along with the face book Page.  Fire school display items society banner, trifold needs updated.  We have T shirts short and long sleeve, 216 patches ,and 8 challenge coins.

We discussed complimentary memberships to people who have successfully completed instructor 1 and have the cert.

Dual membership to the international are done on your own.

Plaque for instructor of the year to be engraved  motion by Richard Second by Chris.

FSTB wont pay for anything until we get our numbers back up then they will reconsider.

Al reached out to IFSTA to see if we can get flash drives donated John Conrad from IFSTA said yes they will donate them

Brochure development was discussed.  This will be our 60th anniversary.  Dawn Bisner Volunteered to put it together.

Motion to get Dawn a $50 gift certificate by Richard second by Jerad

2024 conference is set for April 12th &13th  At the Stoney creek inn Pioneer room seat 120 people

Motel rate is $69 plus tax

Friday afternoon we will have Train the Trainer at camp Dodge on the 3 most used props. The 2 burn trailers and the Mobat trailer

We have 3 speakers to choose from

  1. Doug Kline fee is $1000.00 fee $600.00 for travel plus motel

  2. Brian Kazmierzak $750.00 fee $400.00 travel plus motel

  3. Kim Pashkowsky all she wants is travel and motel covered

We will get ne pricing for a Friday Saturday for the meeting room, food.

$1500.00 deposit and a signed contract money will be applied to the final bill

Al will Donate $100.00 to whoever brings in the most new members

Doug will contact motel about food and room

Motion to adjourn by Pat second by Randy


Meeting called to order at 1800 on 01/27/2024 by Doug Kolkman

Members in attendance were Doug, Randy, Richard, and Pat. Zoom were Al and Chris

Old Business was read by Al M.

Treasure’s Report: We currently have $5661.89 and our PayPal account is $251.44.

Doug raised $232.00 with T-shirt/ patches, conference fee and membership fees during the State Fire School which brings our total of $5893.89.

Pat made a motion to approve the treasure’s report and Dick second the motion.

Old Business:

Doug discussed the expenses for the conference. $1500.00 deposit for the hotel. We still owe $4870.42 for the food and use of the meeting room. Doug also spoke on the expenses for the guess speakers for the conference.

Brian Kazmierzak is….

  • $478.45 for flight

  • $750.00 for speaking fees ( Brian normally charges $1500-$2000.00 )

  • $69.00 x2 for room (State Rate)

Kymberly Curtis Pashkowsky

  • $500.00 for travel and speaking

  • $69.00 x 2 for room (State Rate)

Doug talked about the cupcakes for our 60th anniversary for the Society. Jones and Bartlet will be taking care of the cupcake expense. Also, they will be donating their manuals from the state fire school to be used for door prizes at our conference. Doug had talked to other vendors at the state fire school and they are willing to contribute to our conference in some way. Doug will follow up with these vendors. Doug said the quilt is done and Robin from the FSTB had done is complete. This quilt will be raffled off at our conference as well.

The board mentioned about we all need to register for the conference and encourage others to do so as well.

Dick said he had registered and selected “:Bill my Dept.” Doug said he has not received the registration form from him yet. Doug tried the Bill my Dept. option during the meeting and was unsure where the registration went to. Doug will be getting with Dawn Beisner on Monday 29th  to see what the issue is. Chris stated our website is the correct email listed for the conference. Where is the registration form going to?

New Business:

Doug said we all need to be promoting the Instructor Conference as much as possible and we need to be creative while promoting. Doug also stated the FSTB can not help with the conference (registrations, etc.) and that the Bureau Chief said the registration numbers need to come up some. (More registrations)

Al brought up the President and Vice President would receive their membership paid by the Society in hopes of going to FDIC. Doug and Al are planning to go this year to represent Iowa Society. If the funds allow this, then Society should pay those memberships. Otherwise not a big issue if funding is not there.

Al also brought up, we need to select Committees for the Society. Board members are encouraged to review committees to see which one they would like to get involved with. (Society Website) We will be selecting committee members at our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be February 25th at 7pm sharp. Teams meeting or Zoom.

Motion to adjourn by Doug K. second by Chris S. motion approved. @ 6:46pm on 01/27/2024.

Reserve Secretary Al M.


Meeting called to order at 1900 on 02/25/2024 by Doug Kolkman
Members in attendance were Doug, Randy, Richard, Pat, Al, Jared, and Chris
Old Business was approved by Jared and seconded by Pat.
Treasure’s Report: We currently have $6898.67 plus $140 that hasn’t been deposited yet and our
PayPal account is $598.00. For a total of $7636.67
Old Business:

a. Conference numbers.  Doug mentioned 23 people have registered for the conference
and asked the board, what is the board doing to encourage attendance? Doug and Al shared what they had done. ( Fire schools, talking with people, Fire Instructor classes, and
Facebook, Emails from the FSTB who have taken the Fire Instructor 1 and 2 classes etc)
b. Call Stoney Creek Hotel 2 weeks before to share numbers. The board mentioned getting
a smaller conference room or possibly Camp Dodge. Pat said the training room he thought
held 24 seats. Richard mentioned that we should check into Camp Dodge to save some
money. Pat and Jared shared the idea we should look into the auditorium and the diner at
Camp Dodge.
c. Plaque. Doug had ordered the Fire Instructor of the Year plaque and Richard made a
motion to proceed with the plaque. Chris had seconded the motion.
d. Name plates. Doug has updated the plaque at the FSTB with the Fire Instructor of the
Year name plates. Richard made a motion to proceed with the name plates and Chris had
seconded the motion.
e. Cupcakes. Jones and Bartlett agreed to take care of the cupcakes for the 60 th Anniversary of the Society. They are ordered and paid for.

New Business:
Article in the IFA paper will be free to post about our conference. Already in the IFA paper in the events
section. Doug had talked to the Bureau Chief about having a few mins to talk about the conference during the quarterly meeting tomorrow night at 6pm on 02/27/2024.

Our next meeting will be March 24th at 7pm sharp. Google Meet

Motion to adjourn by Richard second by Pat. motion approved. @ 7:43pm on 01/27/2024.

Reserve Secretary Al M.


Meeting called to order on March 24th at 1900 by Pres. Doug Kolkman.
Last months meeting minutes were approved Motion to approve by Chris Second by
Treasures report was sent out motion to approve by Jared second by Chris

Instructor of the year plaque Doug has in his possession as well as the name plates for
the board that is at the training Bureau

Registration as of right now is 36 total head count will be 41 as of now. We have an
additional speaker that will be taken care of by the fire marshals office and that will be
the fire Marshal from Michigan.

As of right now we owe the hotel $2726.39
Flash drives are being downloaded
The train the trainer props to be trained are going to be, both burn trailers, the MOBAT
trailer, and the roof prop.
Talked about the quilt that is to be raffled. Motion was made by Randy to sell tickets
$5.00 each or 5 for $20.00 second by Chris the motion passed.

Richard and Chris will both be replaced on the board of directors so we can keep our
rotation as set forth in the by laws.
We will have evaluation for the conference
We will Have one more email blast and another Facebook blast this week.
We will be getting another $200.00 donation and snacks for 60 by Urbandale nursing
and rehab.
Motion to Adjourn by Doug second by Jared motion approved at 1754


Annual meeting of Iowa society of fire service instructors was called to order by Doug Kolkman at 1802 on 4-12-2024.
Motion to approve last years minutes by Brad Gordon
2nd by Brian Auto
was approved
Treasures report was given
25.15 in credit union membership account
2202.91 in Blue Chip Account
9489.62 in checking
11717.68 total
Motion to approve by Bob Erixson
2nd by Tim Calahan
Motion approved
Presidents report
Thank you everyone for being here
No Unfinished business
New business
Andrew Grieser was asked to keep our web site updated and he agreed to it
Jered wants to redesign the logo.
A committee was formed to come up with some ideas committee is Jered Hansen, Josh Yoder, Andrew Grieser

Nomination committee was formed Jerry Wiser, Andrew Grieser, Brian Auto.
Meeting is suspended at 1823 until Saturday after last speaker is done.
Meeting reconvened at 1615 on 4-13-2024
3 nominees were Mike Sabin, Katie Sorrell, Jason Study.

Katie Sorrell and Mike Sabin were voted on the Board of directors
Motion to Adjourn by Scott Jennings
2nd by Richard Newton
motion approved

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